Adam Stück

Software Engineer & Linux System Administrator

Passionate about open source software, usability, performance, privacy, and minimal design.

Skills & Languages

Core tools are C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript & the command line. Currently improving my skills as a sysadmin and learning the Godot game engine. I also enjoy tinkering with basic shell scripts and Unix systems.


Title Company Duration
Junior Software Engineer Sky Labs Aalborg 2023-Now
Student Programmer E-Komplet A/S 2020-2023
Software Developer OK Snacks A/S 2019
Junior Business Analyst ADEC Arise 2017
Work Placement ADEC Arise 2015


Institution Program Completion
Aalborg University B.Sc. in Computer Science 2023


1: Potency-Based Heuristic Search with Randomness for Explicit Model Checking
by E.G.Henriksen, A.M. Khorsid, E. Nielsen, Th. Risager, J. Srba, A.M. Stück, S. Sørensen
In Proceedings of the 29th International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN’23), volume 13872 of LNCS, pages 180–187, Springer-Verlag, 2023.
PDF ©Springer-Verlag EE BibTex



Other: sailing, hiking/camping, games, music, boxing, anime, motorcycles


Available upon request.